This is a tough season for FGBC students. This is when we have to put our nose to the grindstone and just “get it done.” Whatever that “it” is for you, be it homework or Senior High preparations, there can be a numbing affect on your passions, and this can be alarming. It feels like we are just “going through the motions.”
However, the absence of emotional zeal should not be understood as an absence of purpose, or value. There are many things that are unexciting, or less-than-inspiring which yield invaluable fruit.
Exercise, homework, oil changes, early to bed, prayer most times. You might even be surprised to know that the exciting opportunity to change diapers can become tedious. But the tedium is many times an element of the call of God…and that call is passion. “If there be any way that this cup might be taken from me…never the less, your will be done LORD.”
That is why I was just telling Lauren Miller how happy I am with the student body these days. The culture of the month seems to be a resolve to simply “get it done.” There are no excessively grumpy attitudes but just simple obedience to Christ in the midst of crushing pressures.
The pressures of life will increase after graduation. There will be more deadlines, stresses and crisis to encounter. This college season is emotional weight training for your future. Learning to carry it now with a spirit of submission and worship will set you up for a lifetime of peace in the storm. I am so happy with what is being developed in you. This season is part of holistic living.
So continue ploughing, and push on. Turn up the unbroken, dried ground of laziness, and sow to reap the Fruit of the Spirit. If you look around to see what has already been accomplished, you will be amazed. But then leave that behind and continue to obediently, and thankfully, GET IT DONE.
Hear here!
It's all about "gittin' it done", but not just with the mediocrity that follows most mundane dips into the work world, but with flair, style and excellence.
After all, it's all about Jesus and he deserves nothing less.
I like your goatee. You should grow that again.
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