This just in...
Anti-bloggers from around the world poured on to the streets of Eston. Organizers of the rally said that it was intended to be a peacefull protest, but the mob was wipped into a "grim" amped up frenzie. Protesters carried placards with sayings like, "Blogging is lame" and "Internet is from Satan" and "Renee + Derek."
World leaders were quick to quick to condemn the protests. Connedapieceof Rice was quoted as saying that the subversive protest leaders were leveraging the angst already felt by a country with two straight losses in Men's Olympic Hockey as a way to further their own political agenda to allow fire-escape skelleton racing in the next world champianships. Rice- "The freedom of expression is most expressed in the wonderful communittee of blogtopia. Anybody who is against blogging endangers the foundations of our free, democratic, Judeo-Christian based society."
Through a security leak, "Beameeup Scotty" has aquired documents outlining the "Roadmap for Deblogging" as well as a list of all individuals comprising the sleeper cell which calls themselves "al-kinda." This list, showing above, has been passed on to the proper authroities and will most likely lead to a major crackdown in blog related violence in Eston.
(Aside- This posting is not to be taken seriously)
absolutely hillarious captian...
...renee + derek...
HEY Scott ... This is in no reference to your post -tho' I did find it humourous! Seems that 'the blog concept' has become an inhouse sort of diary for FGBC! Interesting ...
Nevertheless, a friend of mine has written something you would find very interesting and a few others of your occasional surfers ... check it out when you get a moment:) Here's the link
Kudos to you - way to "influence";) winkwink!
Peaceout friend
Hail to the captain!
May you be able to keep those errant knaves under firm control so that the status quo may be maintained...
Funny how you're sticking up for those that are in the majority for a change...
this is hilarious. but while i was reading all the names of protesters, i couldn't help but notice that my name is on there when there is no way that I could've been there to write... and not just that it says RENEE E. + Derek and it is circled in a heart!!!!! what is going on??
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