Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Anti-bloggers against freedom of speech

This just in...
Anti-bloggers from around the world poured on to the streets of Eston. Organizers of the rally said that it was intended to be a peacefull protest, but the mob was wipped into a "grim" amped up frenzie. Protesters carried placards with sayings like, "Blogging is lame" and "Internet is from Satan" and "Renee + Derek."
World leaders were quick to quick to condemn the protests. Connedapieceof Rice was quoted as saying that the subversive protest leaders were leveraging the angst already felt by a country with two straight losses in Men's Olympic Hockey as a way to further their own political agenda to allow fire-escape skelleton racing in the next world champianships. Rice- "The freedom of expression is most expressed in the wonderful communittee of blogtopia. Anybody who is against blogging endangers the foundations of our free, democratic, Judeo-Christian based society."
Through a security leak, "Beameeup Scotty" has aquired documents outlining the "Roadmap for Deblogging" as well as a list of all individuals comprising the sleeper cell which calls themselves "al-kinda." This list, showing above, has been passed on to the proper authroities and will most likely lead to a major crackdown in blog related violence in Eston.
(Aside- This posting is not to be taken seriously)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Lauren, I love these guys!

This is a tough season for FGBC students. This is when we have to put our nose to the grindstone and just “get it done.” Whatever that “it” is for you, be it homework or Senior High preparations, there can be a numbing affect on your passions, and this can be alarming. It feels like we are just “going through the motions.”
However, the absence of emotional zeal should not be understood as an absence of purpose, or value. There are many things that are unexciting, or less-than-inspiring which yield invaluable fruit.
Exercise, homework, oil changes, early to bed, prayer most times. You might even be surprised to know that the exciting opportunity to change diapers can become tedious. But the tedium is many times an element of the call of God…and that call is passion. “If there be any way that this cup might be taken from me…never the less, your will be done LORD.”
That is why I was just telling Lauren Miller how happy I am with the student body these days. The culture of the month seems to be a resolve to simply “get it done.” There are no excessively grumpy attitudes but just simple obedience to Christ in the midst of crushing pressures.
The pressures of life will increase after graduation. There will be more deadlines, stresses and crisis to encounter. This college season is emotional weight training for your future. Learning to carry it now with a spirit of submission and worship will set you up for a lifetime of peace in the storm. I am so happy with what is being developed in you. This season is part of holistic living.
So continue ploughing, and push on. Turn up the unbroken, dried ground of laziness, and sow to reap the Fruit of the Spirit. If you look around to see what has already been accomplished, you will be amazed. But then leave that behind and continue to obediently, and thankfully, GET IT DONE.
Friday, February 17, 2006

When we fail to dream, we no longer have the urge to strive towards greatness, and our existence becomes the fate of routine.
He was the but of the joke in the last post. Now I bear the brunt of his words. Nigel's post on dreams was most encouraging and well worth a second "slow reading."
He was the but of the joke in the last post. Now I bear the brunt of his words. Nigel's post on dreams was most encouraging and well worth a second "slow reading."
As a chronic dreamer, I have learned that there is a canyon dividing dreams from reality. Most often the dream dies for lack of trying. Because the dreams are so fantastical, we are ignorant of the work it takes to get there.
Yet just because it will be hard work requiring sacrifice does not mean it is a worthless pursuit. On the contrary, if it is too easy to get, you will not apprietiate the having.
Thanks Nigel, I am once again resolved to pursue the dream that is put in my way.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Nigel's day

Sean, Cory and I are sitting beside Nigel in our small group "Blogging" session. We've decided to call this Nigel Day because it is fun to watch him squirm as he is forced, once again, to blog for the sake of community. I will now give you a running commentary of his pain.
(Sorry to those who do not know Nigel. To picture the man, just think of Daniel Boone with a Bible)
Nigel- "You know what my problem is Scott... With all the homework, going to class, and hanging out with friends...There is a stew of work here, and people don't make time to dream."
Cory says.."Write that."
Nigel (Incredulously) "I'm not gonna write that!!!"
(Long pause)
(Nigel staring into the keyboard)
(Cory, Scott and Sean furiously typing)
Cory- I'm surprised Greg Moore isn't here
Sean- He was up since 5:00 (Watching the Olympic hockey game)
Cory- I don't think he went to bed all night.
(Both still typing fast)
Nigel (2 minutes later) - The problem is I just can't get started.
Long Silence
Scott- have you got something yet Nigel?
Nigel- I'm working on it, I feel stupid though...This is definitely a girly style of writing.
Scott- What's so girlish about it?
Nigel - Well I've started off talking about feelings, which is totally wrong. I should be wearing my pink shirt.
Cory (To Scott)- Are you writing down what he says?
Nigel- What?!? You're not gonna publish that are you?
Nigel- *@*!
Nigel- The problem is I've wasted so much time staring at this monitor that I only have half an hour left.
(still later)
Nigel- The grimmist thing about this is that I feel like a psychologist. I'm analyzing myself.
Nigel- Hey Scott, read me what you've written down
(Scott reads what has been typed up until this point.)
Nigel- Well, If I haven't lost face on my own blog, I certainly have with yours.
(long silence)
Waiting for him to say something, I notice that he only uses two fingers to type.
Nigel-I think I got something good here Scott, I just need time to polish it up. I got a good introduction. What to hear it?"
Scott- No, I want to read it.
Nigel (Sadly)- Awww, I was so excited to share it.
(Leans back, then dives into typing again)
Nigel- Scott, you know when people come and say they came to school to find God, How do they say it?
Scott- Um, Like how they say the phrase.
Nigel-Like to...Um...Discover God...Maybe...(mumbling to self)..Yah, that works.
I notice that he has started up Microsoft word and is using the thesaurus for something.
Now he looks nervously over at me to see my curiosity.
Nigel- I replaced zealously with eagerly because I already used zeal in the first part of the sentence. I got a paragraph and a half now.
Nigel- It's supposed to be like minus 20 or some dumb thing all week. Were getting Alberta weather. So how do I save this without publishing it?
Cory- save it as a draft
Nigel- This is darn feminine...I'm not gona lie...I should discuss the new 360 steel chainsaw in the middle to redeem the conversation.
Nigel- How would you write "compelling to perform?" What word would imagerize that?
(looking at me while I type)
Scott- (distracted) I just want to make sure I get this..."imagerize" bit down
Nigel- (straight faced) You're such a jerk Scott.
Scott- "Obsession?"
Nigel- Ya, that's a good one.
Keri Dakken Enters with her wonderful smile
Keri- Hi Nigel, How are you doing?
Nigel-I'm good, but Scott over here is torturing me. He is forcing me to blog and then he's writing about it at the same time. But this blog is really feminine.
Keri- Nigel, did you get any responses to your"Wife wanted ad?"
Nigel- I have never gotten a response in the years that I have done it. Actually I had one response from a girl, but she said "Nigel, you make me want to vomit."
Nigel- (Saving it and getting up to leave) Well, that one will get some interesting comments. (Noticing Karla Cardash snuck in and is sitting at her usual spot in the library)Have you been in here the whole time?
Karla- Ya
Nigel- Well then you have heard my pain. You are very sneaky!
Karla- that's what they teach you in Grenfell.
(Nigel Exits stage left)
So now you have been privy to the torture. Watch for his post to be finished and published soon.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
We hit a mile stone recently. One that needs some serious celebration. I finished the first draft of my thesis.
(insert rapturous fanfare)
It took a lot more work than I figured and more pages to explain (170). Partly because I never anticipated the learning curve and partly because I procrastinate by blogging too much. And it's not over yet, there are still at least two more major revisions to do, but I like editing.
(insert rapturous fanfare)
It took a lot more work than I figured and more pages to explain (170). Partly because I never anticipated the learning curve and partly because I procrastinate by blogging too much. And it's not over yet, there are still at least two more major revisions to do, but I like editing.
The most surprising part of the endeavor was how it has changed me. A big project is no longer intimidating. It's just big. Intense academics is no longer "over-my-head". It just takes concentration. And doing this one, I know that I can do others. Just knowing that I could if I wanted to is worth something.
So you might be thinking, "I could never do that!" Well join the club. I thought that up until the moment I emailed it off. But most of you could do it. I know it.
So, my dear students, if you are thinking that God might be calling you to more study, and a potential thesis. I say...DO IT! You won't believe how it changes you for the better.
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Nothing moves me like the thought of the gospel
the story of the passion
the freedom won
the cost
The notion of the passion is foreign to those who do not understand it.
Yet to those who are being saved...
I dream of proclaiming it for all posterity
If there were some way to engrave it on the Rocky Mountains
A mount rushmore type of memorial
for milleniums to come
I dream of living it for a lifetime
If there were some way of engraving it into every moment
A perfect life, in his image
for only a few to remember
I dream of eternity
The answer of the worlds problems today
A world where people are good
for eternity
Just wait, it's coming
Friday, February 03, 2006
Hope of Glory

My Daughter, Laurissa, And mommys ankles
I had a dream last night that my daughter had died
When I woke up there was so much relief that it was just a dream
I hate dreams that are so painful. You can barely breath. But then there is joy in waking up to the truth. (Note * I've had dreams that are reversed. I spend time with someone in my dream and wake up to remember they have passed away.)
Remember this, we can be encouraged with the hope of glory. There is a day coming, on the other side of life, when we will all wake up. And every tear will be wiped away.
You have to believe in this. Without hope, there is no purpose. With hope, there is meaning to everything we do.
I wonder if there are water parks in heaven.
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