Some have asked why there are two pictures of Tomm-Lyn on this sight. No, she does not have two different sites. Actually, I made a face button of her, and then she sent me her own picture, so now niether one of us can decide which one to delete. It is like voting on which one gets voted off the island. Well, that is what it has come down to. I will remove one picture on friday depending on your votes in the comments. So which Tommi will it be.
I vote for the one on the left (not just because the comment before said the right) because of the smile. I like the smile and the more "relaxed look" of the picture.
I don't know the gal, but I like the left one. It is flavourful!
Left all the way
i feel so honoured that there is a post about me. Well I'm torn between the two. Only because my bestest friend Nae took the one on the left. And she is an amazing photographer. However, I look hot on the right. I'm not much help! hehe.
Okay I examined the pics. I hate my hair on the left. But I like the pretty backround! I'm so torn!!!!
use the profile one
i like the right one best.
the one the right she's perfect
Nate F.
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